Frequently Asked Questions

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common infection that is spread during sex . HPV can cause cervical cancer in women. It can cause cancers in the genitals (sex organs) as well as the nose, throat, and mouth in men and women. HPV also can cause genital warts.”


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How can I protect my child from the Human Papillomavirus?

The HPV Vaccination is the best way to protect your child from HPV infection. The HPV vaccine is a series of shots. These shots are most effective if given before a person becomes sexually active. But, even if sexual activity has begun, a person can still be protected by the shots and should be vaccinated.

All girls and boys ages 9 years to 17 years should get the HPV shots. All older teens and young adults ages 18-26 years old should also get the HPV shots if they have not already done so.

What is HPV Vaccine?

“Gardasil-9 is the only HPV vaccine currently used in the United States. Gardasil-9 protects against HPV infections and problems. It protects people from getting genital warts, genital cancers (including cancers of the cervix, penis, anus, vagina, and vulva) and oral cancers (in the nose, mouth and throat) in men and women. For people from 9-14 years of age, HPV vaccine is given in 2 shots, separated by 6 months. For people from 15-26 years of age, HPV vaccine is given in 3 shots, separated by 2 months and 6 months. It is important to get all the recommended shots to get the best protection.”

Where I can learn more about HPV?

What is the HPV - Hmong Promoting Vaccines project?

The Hmong Promoting Vaccines (HPV) project was a research study at the University of Minnesota. We made two kinds of education about HPV and HPV shots. We have written information and information on a web “app”. We made an educational mobile web app to help Hmong teenagers and their parents learn about HPV and the HPV vaccine. The app helps you find clinics and doctors where you can get the HPV shots. The app also helps you find when you need to get your HPV shots.

Who is paying for this project?

This project received support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the University of Minnesota Medical School Program in Health Disparities Research.

Why is the HPV - Hmong Promoting Vaccines project so important?

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) teenagers, including Hmong, are not completing their recommended HPV shots even though they are at greater risk of getting cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers. HPV vaccine rates in 2015 for Hmong children ages 9-17 at a community health center in Minnesota were 32% in girls and 20% in boys. This is lower than nationally published HPV vaccine rates (57% in girls and 35% in boys). This project will help support Hmong parents and teenagers to better understand more about HPV and get their needed HPV shots.

Why do we use the heart in our project?

This logo is created to promote HPV vaccines to Hmong teens and community members. We wanted to create visuals and contents that could relate to Hmong community members. The colors are common in Hmong cultural clothes. These colors were also selected to appeal to both Hmong males and females. Human Papillomavirus is commonly known to be obtained from having intercourse or making love. We used the heart shape because it is a representation of love. HPV (Human papillomavirus) can be a sensitive topic. In an attempt to connect it to a positive solution, we wrote in "Hmong Promoting Vaccines" and color the first letters of each words to relate back to HPV (Human papillomavirus), our public health problem.

Where can I find a clinic to get an HPV vaccination?

The web application provides phone numbers and addresses of clinics nearest to you. Almost every outpatient clinic in Minnesota has HPV vaccinations.

What is a mobile web application (web app)?

A mobile web application (web app) is a software application that runs on smartphones, other mobile devices, electronic devices such as computers and tablets using the internet.